Psalms 47
Clap your hands, all ye people; shout unto God with the voice of
triumph. For the LORD most high is terrible ...
Psalms47:1-2. We often sing and rejoice because we know that
God is a good God. And true enough yes he is, but have you ever
praised him because he is a Terrible God. Yes that's right God is good,
but also the most high is terrible. And we are to sing praises unto him.
Come sing with us...
Every Day With Jesus
Every day with Jesus is sweeter that the day before. Yes, we've heard
the congregational song and it rings true to this day. I've found that
with God; his word is true and altogether right. He is much sweeter that
a honeycomb
Psalm 19:9-10. Have you found him to be a friend? Have you found him to be a Joy?
Have you found him to be alright. Taste and see...
Stay in the Ship
Paul said in
Acts 27:31
to the centurion and to the soldiers, Except these abide in the ship, ye cannot be saved. I began to consider the vessel of our salvation which is the Holy Ghost,
and the captain of the ship Jesus Christ and his voice saying to stay in
the ship of God. It's easy to think that when storm clouds rise, and
billows blow, to forget the Lord's voice, whether in doubt or fear; and
perhaps to abandon the ship. To chose actions contrary to the word of God. To
try to solve our own problems our own way in a vain attempt to save
ourselves. Even in the days of Noah there
was no salvation found for any who did not abide within the ark
Genesis 7:23. Let me
encourage you, Stay with Jesus, in good times or bad, Stay with his Spirit.
Stay in God's ship, for truly there is no salvation unless we stay in the
ship. Pray with us.
Rejoice In The Lord
The Bible says, The joy of the LORD is your
Nehemiah 8:10. Strangely enough, I've found that it is easy to
forget that simple truth. The cares of this life and the trials
and challenges of the daily toils buffet you, and can drain you,
leading to sadness or despair. But I heard this saying in my spirit
"When I think of the goodness of Jesus and all that he's done for me
..." I remember the
goodness that is God and the joy he places in the hearts of them that
love him, and my soul is renewed. Oh Rejoice in Jesus my soul, whether in
sadness or just feeling blue. Come worship the Lord with us and
let us rejoice in his name together
What Life Is All About
Years ago this song was originally sung by Mary Morris at many an
evening church service. That life was more than our daily routines. Life
is about Jesus and the love we should have towards him and to one
another. I was the church musician at that time but had
never heard the original song so I put together some background cords
that fit the melody, and she would sing. Later we had the chance to record
the song but Mary was unavailable so we asked her sister Kathy Alexander
to come and sing it. To this day I have not heard the original,
but I shout out honor and love to the unknown artist who originally
penned the lyrics for now I know what life is all about